Types of Potato Storage & Handling equipment 

Allround India has focused on bulk storage from its first storage projects seventeen years ago in India. The traditional 50 kg bag storage did not meet the requirements of the industry. The maximum storsge period was about seven months. As mentioned in the introduction, we were able in combination with the specialists of the industry to extend this period in one season only to an acceptable eleven months. After all, the factory has to run all year round. Of course, this also applies to a wholesale operation or a packaging house for retail. Bulk storage is ideally suited for storing large quantities of product for a long time under the right conditions. The big advantage of bulk storage is, of course, that it is also the most cost-effective way. With the right handling equipment from Allround Processing, the processing of products from bulk storage is no problem at all. So when you are considering installing a box storage system, consider all the pros and cons very carefully whether bulk storage is not more economical.

Bulk storage

For Storage in bulk for onion is an effective and economical way of storage. Effective be-cause it is a direct ventilation system what means that 100% of the air distribution com-ing from the fan is forced to pass the product. With an Allround engineered bulk system all the product will receive the same amount of air, what creates a perfect temperature and humidity balance all over the pile. When storing onions in bulk, the product is placed amass up to 3,5 to 4,5 meter. With Allround equipment the temperature, humidi-ty and CO₂ level through the complete store are fully controlled.


• Effective drying and cooling
• Equal temperature and humidity
• Optimal distribution of anti-sprouting agents
• Very cost-effective method of storage. You do not to buy the boxes.


• Not possible to separate different lots or varieties in the same room
• Special machinery is needed to fill the store. Space finer or filling belt.

Most suitable for
• Larger quantities.

Box Storage

With box storage the products are stored in large bins. The product is stacked up to about 6 boxes high. The standard European size for boxes is 1200 mm x 1600 mm x 1230 mm. With indirect room ventilation the room air will be conditioned and through natural convection the air will pass the product. The indirect room ventilation system for open boxes is the most flexible box system. It doesn’t matter in what way the boxes are placed in the room, different sizes of boxes can be used, even for short time different products can be stored in same room. Especially for daily fluctuating demand room ventilation system is very flexible. Wet product cannot be dried effectively with a room ventilation system, so products which have to be dried after harvest should be dried in an direct system before it will be put in the room ventilation storage.

• Quite inexpensive system
• Very flexible system

• Product cannot be dried
• Harder to control the product conditions

Rack storage

Allround storage facilities are very suitable for Rack storage. Both for the big bags and for fifty kg or 25 kg bags. However, the storage of the bags must take place in an open space. The bags must be placed in racks. In other words, we do not provide storage solutions for traditional multi-floor cold stores. The choice of bags is also important. In the past and still in many places in the world, burlap bags are still stored. The jute bags are very dense and do not allow air to pass through at all. In fact, sometimes the entire batch of jute bags has to be turned over during storage to prevent pressure marks. If you do want to store it in smaller bags, do it in relatively open bags. When planning a new cold store, the decision to opt for bulk storage is usually the right one from a business point of view. The construction of the building is slightly more expensive. On the other hand, you don’t have to purchase racks. The biggest advantage, of course, is that you don’t have to buy bags every year. The PP bags are also harmful from an environmental point of view. How the legislation will respond to this is a mystery, but it is anyone’s guess. The use of big bags is very effective. However, the big bags are more of a means of transport than a long-term storage method. Big bags are very easy for the receiving party, for example process industry or packing houses to handle. The big bags are also very easy to store temporarily. Special mobile racks are available in the market to make maximum use of the cell.

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