Installation | After Sales | Service


All-round India POC has a modern equipped warehouse of more than six hundred square meters. The warehouse contains more than 15,000 items. From here, the after sales is organized. A team of three specialists and a logistics department ensure a smooth handling of any parts shipment. In eighty percent of the cases, we have the parts on site within twenty-four hours. No one is perfect, including Allround after sales, but we do everything we can to ensure that your production is not interrupted unnecessarily. We Allround India PPOC consider ourselves service providers. When you do business with Allround India, there is a large technical production company behind it. A team of dedicated constructors, installers, electricians, software specialists, draughtsman, etc. If necessary, they will assist the after-sales department with advice and assistance.For outside India we work with: TNT, Fedex and DHL. For India we work with Safe Express, TCI Express and DTDC

Our Locations for after sales

Ambala, India

Mumbai, India

Ahmedabad, India

Our team

Kulrakesh Mehta

Manager Purchase

Rajesh Sharma

Manager Logistics


Technical Writing & Quality Control

Ankur Bansal

Installation / Aftersales Manager

Deepak Chauhan

Manager Purchase

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