Labor Saving
when designing a line or complete project, manning has the highest priority. We make the production processes fully transparent with dynamic calculation models. A separate drawing and calculation is made for staffing. A good planning and tracking of personal is possible When making a proposal, we formulated a few basic principles with regard to labor savings. When supplying raw product in trucks, we calculate for what any storage hoppers can deliver in terms of waiting time for the truck. When supplying in boxes, we offer a fully automatic box supply system. For sorting of damaged unsorted product, we often work together with various suppliers of electronic pre-sorters. After the sorting machine, the product has to go directly into the final packaging. We compensate for the differences in capacity of the packaging machine and the line with the help of (smart) even flow hoppers. The capacity of these (smart) even flow hoppers are accurately calculated. For collection in cubic boxes, we can offer you a fully automatic box handling system.

Storage hopper and Smart Hopper
The starting point is to keep the forklift movements and manual movements of the product (carrots, potatoes and onions) to a minimum. In principle, the end product (sorted product) must enter the final packaging directly without the intervention of cubic boxes, macro bins or big bags. To achieve this, we work with two forms of even flow hoppers. The storage hopper to build up a buffer. The smart hopper to build up as little buffer as possible. With the smart hopper you want to prevent as much buffer as possible. However, you can also use the smart hopper as a buffer, but also only when it is really necessary. This smart way of even flow is mainly applied to very sensitive products.
Box automation
Box automation gives very large savings with regard to forklift movements. The box automation systems are available for both the Macro bins and the wooden cubic boxes. With an automated box system, the logistics at the reception as well as during the processing can be better organized and optimized. Track and trace is easy to implement. The production process can also be easily monitored in real time and from history. You can follow exactly what is happening and what has happened and who is responsible for this. From the project team of the Partnership of Companies, as with the storage hoppers and smart hoppers, we calculate the savings in number of forklift movements and the number of kilometers involved. However, you need to multiply it by at least one factor. The technical life of the installation is at least ten years. The total spring is therefore the annual multiplied by the technical life..

Weighing and packing up to 37 tons/ hour robotics tailor made.
When designing a line or complete project, labor saving has the highest priority. We make the production processes fully transparent with dynamic calculation models. A separate drawing and calculation is made for staffing. A good planning and tracking of personal is possible When making a proposal, we formulated a few basic principles with regard to labor savings. When supplying raw product in trucks, we calculate for what any storage hoppers can deliver in terms of waiting time for the truck. When supplying in boxes, we offer a fully automatic box supply system.
Electronic presorting and optical grading
With labor saving with sorting and grading, the association with optical sorting and electronic grading is immediately made. We therefore follow the developments in this market very closely. The solutions and effectiveness promised by the manufacturers of these machines are often not met. It is of course your specific circumstances that cause this. We work together with all manufacturers of electronic pre-sorters and optical sorters. However, we have no direct interest in the sale of these machines. The electronic pre-sorters are in many cases a very effective machine. You can immediately have a saving on labor. The machines have a very high capacity. However, don’t expect manual selection to be a thing of the past. The electronic presorter is a labor reducer not an eliminator. The optical sorter looks at the product from both the outside and the inside. The purity of this measurement depends on many factors, degree of contamination, skin condition, washed or not etc. For the optical sorters, the human final touch is also indispensable.