Cleaning & Logisitics
A complete internal transport system is required for each installation. Allround produces more than six hundred conveyor belts every year. Each transport belt in the system has its specific function. Based on the product and waste flow chart, we know exactly what the peak load of each transport belt or elevator is. For very high capacity unwashed product make a whole range of trough belts. We can carry out the conveyor belts including trough belts with load cells. With the load cells you can build a data management system step by step as needed. We are happy to show you the possibilities. Another form of transport is by means of a so-called flume. This way, comparable to a fast-flowing river, is mainly used with rinsed products and then most often in the carrots. We offer the blade toppers in three types. We have been making these machines for over fifty years. We also have two types of roller finish toppers. Another very important part in especially the reception at the line are the pre cleaning sets. grading out undersize and loose soil is often tailor-made. We make quite various systems. Roll sets with smooth rollers with diabolo rollers and with spirals rollers. For the most effective way of ground sieves, we have a special set. This roller set has smooth rollers alternated with rubber spiral rollers. This way is most effective with soil sieves.. The sets are still available in different numbers of rolls. For behind the rinsing machine we have the leaf separator. A hedgehog band that separates the leaf from the carrots.
Transport Conveyors
In all our lines and projects, a lot of conveyor belts are needed. We have realized projects where more than 350 conveyor belts in all shapes and sizes are. We make eight different types of flat conveyor belts. The choice of transport is determined by a number of factors. The most important criteriun is the required capacity. The capacity is determined by the width of the belt and the speed.. At what angle will the band be placed. Can we bridge the height with the help of small cleats / flights or do we have to use an elevator. All our belts do meet the highest FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and CE (European Union) standards. The color of our conveyor belts is blue as standard. This color is prescribed in the FDA and CE guidelines. The reason for this is that blue is the only color that does not occur in nature. All our belts are food grade. We source our belts from fixed suppliers. The raw materials are of A quality. The standard belts are made of PVC. PVC needs lighter drive than rubber belts. Our belts can be equipped with a load cell. This way you can measure the flow of product at any desired location in the line. We prefer to work from belt to belt. However, we also have a wide choice of sliders for our conveyor belts. We have manual sliders and pneumatic driven sliders. The third variant is the pneumatic slide with a conveyor belt in the shearing section, to eliminate any friction on the slide. For very heavy loads we have belts with a rubber underlay and a PVC top layer. So you have the advantages of the wear resistance of rubber and the food grade of PVC. We carefully consider all options and explain them in our proposals.
Elevators and Trough belts
When the product is at a steeper angle than 25 to thirty degrees up you should use an elevator. The maximum angle at which an elevator can be placed is 45 degrees. As the elevator steepens, the capacity of the elevator decreases. The standard take-away height with us is 60 mm. The maximum take-away height is 150 mm, upright or kinked. A variant of the elevator is the vertical finger band. These are used to vertically fill a storage hopper, smart hopper or box filler. The fins mounted on this belt can be delivered straight or stitched. The elevators are supplied from 40 cm to 150 cm. When we have to raise wider than 150 cm, two elevators are placed next to each other. We use fabric carriers so that a smaller roll can be used so that the drop height is reduced. Elevator with swanneck is also to reduce the drop height as much as possible.
Trough belts. A trough belt is a heavy conveyor belt made up of trough sets. The band is usually equipped with V-shaped carriers called chevrons. We supply trough belts from forty cm to 100 cm. The trough belt can also be made flush without carriers. Depending on the lifting angle, you can increase up to 27 degrees with a trough belt.
Trough belts are usually used for unprocessed and or heavily contaminated product. With a trough belt you can achieve a very high capacity. One hundred tons per hour is no problem. The Allround trough belt has a heavy construction and is equipped with a thick rubber (optional PVC) band. We work together with the world market leader for rubber and PVC trough belts Ameraal belt. For the right choice of tyre in your project, we will consult with the supplier. The carriers are mounted on the belt at high frequency. In this way, the carriers become one with the band and in principle cannot become loose. The trough belt can be supplied as stand alone or mounted, with and without buckling.
Blade/ Roller toppers
Allround has two types of onion toppers. The blade topper and the rolls finish topper. The blade topper is the most common onion topper. See tutorial on YouTube. ( show link) (We offer this machine in three different types. The A 1 with a knife the A 2 with two knives and the A 3 with three knives. The choice of which type depends on the required capacity and type of onions. Some types of onions you want to have in the machine to a minimum (as short as possible on the sieve). A possible solution is to put several smaller types next to each other. We offer the blade onion topper in two versions. The cofin style, in this version the machine is closed with a casing above the seven. The version is available with an open top door which makes the change of seves very easy. The second type of blade topper is the room style. Here the machine is closed above the sieves with a cabin of about 200 cm high. The type depends on your wishes and conditions. De cofin style has a superior air flow. The second type of onion topper is the roller topper. This machine is used to get rid of the tail and the root residues as completely as possible. This machine is mainly used for very expensive packaging or for the process industry. We have made the machine almost maintenance-free. We are happy to show you the tutorial and then give a further explanation. The machine is available in different widths. The width makes the capacity.